Roast Beef Monster Munch 20g Pack 98 KCal
Simon Taylor | Oil on Canvas | 14 x 14 inches
Simon is interested in shared visual language – how we read images, how we come to similar conclusions offered to us by the photographer/film director or indeed painter. He is fascinated by photography and its ability to capture people and objects and create images that can tell stories and invite narratives.
The paintings on display as depict McDonald’s menu items and a packet of crisps. Simon personally bought the food, took it home and photographed it using the same principles as the marketers – concentrating on lighting, camera angle and depth of field.
“I didn’t want to use McDonald’s own marketing images, as I wanted each menu item that I painted to be unique. Just like buying a burger and it tasting the same as everyone else’s, but looking slightly different in its construction. So, the idea was to mass-produce paintings off the menu, but each one would be a one-off piece of art. Similarly with the crisps, they are the contents of a full packet illustrated onto one painting.
The physicality of paint and its application to create a photorealist artwork makes the image of fast food more tangible, relevant and interesting.
I see myself absolutely rooted in my practice as an artist/painter that cannot break away from the photographic image. Without photographs I would not paint. The natural conclusion for me is to create paintings that take this fascination with the photographic medium as far as I can go. It appears to be an ever changing and challenging field, one that is transient and reliant on new technology and experimentation.” Simon
We do offer the Own Art Scheme to purchase artwork. At 0% APR, this is payable in equal instalments over 10 months. Please contact The Gallery for more information.
Availability: In stock
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